About our caviar
Why buy from London Caviar House?
Our company has monitored prices of black caviar in other UK stores. All information is taken from open sources on the Internet, and you can easily check all the prices listed in the table below by checking on the company’s website, by the name written in the table. By the way, any buyer can do this by simply opening Google.
About our caviar
Interesting facts about Beluga
– The Beluga (Latin name Huso huso) is a fish from the Sturgeon family (Acipenseridae).
– Beluga live in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas, from where they come to spawn in the rivers flowing into these seas.

About our caviar
Black caviar in cosmetology
Black caviar contains many nutrients that can be important for the skin and the body as a whole. It is rich in proteins, fats, vitamins (including vitamins A and D), trace elements (such as iron and zinc), and antioxidants. In cosmetology, black caviar can be used in several ways:
About our caviar
All the secrets of black caviar
The tradition of tasting dates back to the time when tasting before buying was mandatory, and because sellers usually had only one spoon in the market, and they wanted to try a lot, so the seller put some caviar on the back of the hand between the index finger and thumb so that buyers could try before buying.

About our caviar
The quality guarantee of our products is CITES certification
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international treaty between the governments of countries involved in the international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants to protect the interests of endangered species.
All sturgeon caviar products must be tested and have a special CITES code on the label of each can.

About our caviar
Sturgeon history
Now it’s hard to believe, but sturgeon species of fish swam in the seas and oceans 200 million years ago. Dinosaurs walked and ran on land, and sturgeon species of fish swam and lived in the water – exactly the same as those that swim now, in our time, in our rivers and seas. Of course, now they are not as big as they were in those distant times – when their length exceeded 7 meters and their weight reached 2000 kg.
About our caviar
What is a Bester fish?
In 1952, in the Saratov region, professors Nikolyukin N.I. and Timofeeva N.A. in the Teplovsky fish hatchery, by artificial crossing of a female Beluga (Huso Huso) and a male Sterlet (Acipenser Ruthenus), a new species of sturgeon was obtained – Bester. The name of the new species of sturgeon was invented by Professor Nikolai Ivanovich Nikolyukin himself, the name Bester was given from the merger of the names of the parents’ fish: BE “luga” STER “let”.

About our caviar
Aquatir sturgeon complex
All species of sturgeon, due to their rapid decline in population, were listed in the International Red Book, as they are on the verge of extinction. Currently, all sturgeon catching is completely prohibited in the world, and therefore the breeding of sturgeon species of fish and the production of black caviar is carried out only on sturgeon farms. In conditions of artificial habitat for fish on farms, favorable conditions are created that are close to natural, in which the fish could fully grow and multiply. One of these farms is the “Aquatir” sturgeon complex, which was opened in 2006 in the city of Tiraspol (Transnistria, Moldova) and is the only complex in the world for the production of natural black caviar of Russian sturgeon and Beluga, as well as Sterlet and Bester (Beluga hybrid from crossing with Sterlet).
About our caviar
Sterlet – “Royal Taste”
Sterlet (Acipencer Ruthenus) is the smallest fish in the sturgeon family. She begins to give caviar very early, already at the age of five. Sterlet caviar is small, only 1 to 2 mm, but the aftertaste of this caviar is simply magnificent, unique and incomparable with other sturgeon fish. The sterlet is the only sturgeon that lives only in fresh water. The color of eggs in sterlet is beige, gray or pearl-platinum. The eggs are small, soft, tender and incredibly light. Once in the mouth, they very gently dissolve in the mouth and leave a luxurious, indescribable and magical aftertaste. In the people “from time immemorial” sterlet caviar has always been called Tsar’s caviar, because it was sterlet and sterlet’s caviar that were always served on the table to the Russian Tsar and it was sterlet caviar that was delivered to many royal courts of European countries, which is why it is called “Royal” or “Royal caviar”.
The benefits of black caviar
Black Caviar is quite expensive and this product is often called “black gold”, why? Let’s figure it out ….
1. Black caviar is the most nutritious and balanced product on earth, it contains all the necessary elements for the human body, both for adults and children. In addition to a big number of vitamins and minerals necessary for our body, caviar has an indescribable taste sensation.
2. The composition of black caviar contains 13% of fats and almost 30% of all easily digestible proteins, polyamic acid, valuable amino acids, lecithin and many vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, D).
Vitamin A is necessary for a person to maintain good vision and the immune system.
B vitamins – are needed for a good metabolism in our body and the maintenance of the work of all organs.
Vitamin B12 is essential for the proper functioning of the human nervous system.
Vitamins of groups C and E – fight viruses and illnesses
Also, the composition of black caviar contains the organic compound Choline – which has an anti dispersant and calming effect; the composition of caviar contains the component Selenium – which protects our body from the development of cancerous tumors.
The presence of a number of vital and essential minerals for our body: Mg, Na, F, Mn, I, Fe, Ca, Si.
The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 has a beneficial effect on brain function, helps to cope with iron deficiency, reduces the risk of blood clots, and improves immunity. prevents the formation of cancerous tumors, normalizes blood circulation, stabilizes the state of the nervous system.It is very useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and those who have had COVID-19.
3. On the basis of black caviar, a very large amount of expensive cosmetics is produced, this is due to the fact that black caviar produces Collagen, which is necessary for a person to maintain beautiful and young skin. Collagen makes the skin firm and elastic.
4. Caviar helps the production of serotonin and testosterone, improves memory and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain.
5. Due to the high content of the organic compound Acetylcholine, which increases a person’s tolerance to alcohol, the use of caviar during a feast or a holiday will help you feel refreshed and refreshed the next day after a party.

«The sturgeon complex “Aquatir” is a modern enterprise for the breeding of sturgeon species by using the latest achievements and technologies in the field of sturgeon breeding, which makes the complex perfect and environmentally friendly. We produce high quality products that meet international standards. To maintain the health and stable productivity of sturgeon fish, we use only very high-quality feed containing all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins, without hormones, antibiotics and GMOs.»
Victor Verbanov, Director of Aquatir company.