Structure, equipment, processing methods and its pace of development
Aquatir Ltd. complex occupies one of the leading world positions

Quality secret
Automation and quality
The sturgeon complex “Aquatir” is a modern enterprise for the breeding of sturgeon species by using the latest achievements and technologies in the field of sturgeon breeding, which makes the process perfect and environmentally-friendly. We produce high quality products that meet international standards.
To maintain the health and stable productivity of sturgeon fish, we use only high-quality feed containing all the necessary micronutrients and vitamins, without hormones, antibiotics and GMOs.
Latest news
Keep up with us
Sturgeon farm Aquatir in the Seafood Expo in Barcelona
Dear partners! From April 25 to April 27, sturgeon farm Aquatir, a manufacturer of Premium black caviar, will take part in the largest seafood exhibition Seafood Expo in Barcelona. We’ll be happy to have you there. Look for us in hall 5, stand number 5L600. See you there. Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global is the…
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The results of participation in the 7th Seafood Expo in Dubai
Aquatir Ltd. participated in the 7th Seafood Expo in Dubai together with representatives from more than 20 countries. This Expo is a business platform in the Middle East which brings together producers, buyers and sellers from all over the globe. Our company presented caviar production that caters to every taste. Employees of sturgeon complex eagerly…
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Participation in the Fish International Exhibition in Bremen, Germany
Aquatir Ltd. participated in the Fish International Exhibition in Bremen, Germany together with 270 representatives from 22 countries. This Expo gives traders a platform where they can gain information on what’s new in the German market and get a good overview of the fish industry, offers a varied and individual assortment of fish to give…
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Compliance of the management system
This year our enterprise has been certified on compliance to the standard requirements of FSSC 22000 that is based on the international ISO 22000:2005 standard, HACCP principles and obligatory preliminary conditions that are described in ISO/TS 22002-1:2009. FSSC 22000 represents one of the most comprehensive certification schemes of food safety for enterprises involved in production…
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From Eggs to Fries
Full technological cycle
An important advantage of our company is a full technological cycle of fish breeding – from eggs to an adult fish which produce eggs. We raise each individual with love and care in an ecologically clean place under the constant supervision of our highly qualified specialists. The fries grow in absolutely clean water from artesian wells, which has undergone additional filtration. RAS is a modern complex of equipment in which water circulates in a closed circuit and the basic parameters (required level of oxygen, temperature, etc.) are maintained at an appropriate level. All growing processes are automated by monitoring and control systems.
With love and care
Preserving viable fish
We divide our fry into two types: the first is raised to obtain caviar for sale, the second – to replenish the broodstock. It is also important that in addition to solving our own production moments, our company carries out work aimed at preserving viable fish stock for release into their natural habitat in order to restore the number of natural populations. As a result, together with the Institute of Zoology of the Republic of Moldova and under the supervision of international specialists CITES, “Aquatir” is stocking the Dniester River. For today, more than 50,000 Russian Sturgeon fry from our enterprise have already been released.
Carefully and humanely
Treat each fish
The company “Aquatir” GmbH uses modern equipment and the latest technologies for sturgeon fish breeding in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). RAS is a modern complex of equipment in which water circulates in a closed circuit and the basic parameters (required level of oxygen, temperature, etc.) are maintained at an appropriate level. Each fish on our farm has its own health passport and is constantly monitored for its condition, which includes: weighing, ultrasound, visual examination and blood test. The main breeding principle of Aquatir is to treat each fish carefully and humanely, to grow healthy and strong generation of sturgeon fish.

Classical and traditional
Premium quality
The distinctive feature of our black caviar is that we use only salt and no preservatives, antibiotics, or GMOs. Depending on the wishes of the consumer, the content of salt in our caviar can vary from 2.5 to 5%. Our caviar is produced using classical and traditional caviar craftsmanship, which ensures a quality of caviar which is recognized throughout the world. The caviar processing methods allow us to preserve that unique combination of taste and useful qualities inherent in caviar from wild fish. You will be pleasantly surprised by the delicate taste of a classic product prepared in accordance with all the humane standards of the 21st-century responsible caviar production. Sturgeon caviar has a wide range of color shades; therefore Aquatir never mixes caviar from different individual fish in the process of salting and packaging.
With love and care
Best specialists
The success of the company depends on its employees, which is why we attract the best-qualified specialists in the fish farming industry. We appreciate our people for their talent and desire to work, and they completely devote themselves to our business, constantly developing and studying new trends in aquaculture. Devotion, focus on success and working on a common goal distinguish our employees from others.
The company has implemented a quality management system and product safety ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 22000:2005, compliance with which has been repeatedly confirmed during certification audits.

Constant checks
Veterinary, sanitary and laboratory
Our enterprise has its own accredited laboratory equipped with modern equipment, which allows us to do various types of research, both physicochemical and microbiological, using traditional methods according to GOSTs. Thanks to our laboratory, we can improve internal production control and confirm the quality of products.
To produce a safe product, we carry out veterinary, sanitary and laboratory control of each batch of raw materials, containers and ready-made products. The sturgeon complex Aquatir cares about the quality of its products, and is ready to invest in the development of science and ensuring control over the safety of its products.
Carefully and humanely
Premium caviar
At the last stage, the cans of caviar are necessarily inspected, labelled and put in a special caviar refrigerator which keeps them at the required temperature. “Fish roes” are washed in clean chilled water to remove burst eggs and their pieces. The washed eggs are quickly transferred to a sieve to drain the water, and then it is salted, weighed, and sorted according to the color and size of the eggs. Then the caviar is immediately packed in glass or lacquered metal cans, which are then hermetically sealed with the help of vacuum seaming machines.

“I recommend the magnificent Black Caviar Aquatir to everyone”
– Alexey Zimin chef of the Zima Restaurant (London)

Company Name – London Caviar House Limited.
Company Number – 13336711.
EORI Number – GB 081664011000
Activity : Import, Retail / Wholesale, Customer Service.
Director : Andrei Tkatchev Safarin.
Address : 3 Davids Close, Broadstairs, Kent, UK. CT10 1RD.
Bank details : HSBC Bank.
IBAN: GB32HBUK40180040140511.
Address: HSBC, 26 Westwood Shopping Centre,Broadstairs,UK. CT10 2BF.
Tel: 0345 740 4404.